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The Palais de la Porte Dorée, described as a true "jewel of Art Deco", is a characteristic monument of Art Deco architecture. Laprade called on the great artistic figures of his time, so that the Palais can be likened to a catalogue of the best artists of Art Deco.
Explore the thematicInaugurated on May 6 1931, the Colonial Exposition attempted to promote an image of imperial France at the very height of its power. Designed in the form of a huge festival, a true city within the city, the exposition stretched over more than 1200 metres, crisscrossed with more than 10 kilometres of signposted paths.
Explore the thematicThe main vocation of the Palais de la Porte Dorée was to be a “museum of the colonies”, which was to represent the territories, the history of the colonial conquest and its effect on the arts. Viewed unanimously as one of Paris’s most remarkable buildings of the 1930s, today it serves as a precious testimony to the museographic design of an era when this type of establishment played a central role in the dissemination and sharing of knowledge.
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Architects, sculptors, painters, explorers, ministers... What are the stories behind the great names that have made the Palais?
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